Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marks and spencer Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marks and spencer - Coursework Example According to the survey conducted by Neilson in May, 2009, the U.K grocery sales grew by an average of 5.1%. This was the result of several promotional offers that enhanced the value buyers get from grocery shopping. Marks and Spencer registered a growth of 3.6% which was half that of competitors such as ASDA and Sainsbury (Appendix 2). The 35-55 aged women segment was reinforced when a new transformational leader (Rose) took the office and the company launched the "Per Una" range (Jobber, 2009). Its target market has been the affluent, 30 plus age group, mostly business executives. The European markets suffer from the ageing population syndrome. Facing a skewed population pyramid and an ageing population, the age profile in European markets is expected to shift to the higher scale in next 5 years, with a greater percentage constituting the over 65 age bracket (McNally, D., 2011) The participation rates of women and the older segments (through delayed retirements) are expected to be a dominant trend. There have been growing concerns regarding obesity which has become a cause of concern for majority of consumers in the U.K (Mellentin, 2010). Consumers are now looking for food with less fat content, or one which is sold fresh. The trend is shifting towards consumption of organic (hormonal free poultry). There has been a trend towards ‘going green’ in the advanced economies with the European Commission exercising significant influence to make businesses as environmentally friendly as possible (Mellentin, 2010). It offers a wide and assorted range of products including food, clothing, home accessories, beverages and financial products. There is emphasis on corporate image rather than teenage specific and youth-friendly apparel. Competitors such as Asda are strengthening its customer relationships through its online website, and Tesco

Monday, October 28, 2019

Physical Education and Academic Achievement in 10th grade Essay Example for Free

Physical Education and Academic Achievement in 10th grade Essay Physical education in high schools in the United States of America is the one branch of academic filed which is gaining fast attention on the side of the Government policy, the schools administration. More and more emphasis-shift is being observed toward orientation of the students and their parents with regard to the importance of physical education and its connection with real life, health, and, above all, with higher academic achievement. In schools, although all grades bear importance with relation to physical education and higher academic achievement and attendance rate, it is, however, the ninth and tenth-grades where there is a turning point for the students. Therefore, it is the time for the schools administration to pay more attention toward the planning and application of the physical education in these grades. â€Å"Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity† (aahperd. org) It is apt to say that the way their physical education is planned and implemented required different parameters. This is so because the demands of students are different. They need to be exposed to such physical activities which not only excite them but also create a sense of responsibility in them; the main focus of such activities should then be to prepare them for real-life situation and challenges. Read more:  Physical Education Essays The present paper examines the link between physical education in 10th-grade and higher academic achievement in secondary schools of the United States of America. It also focuses on the link between physical education and its advantages when it comes to higher attendance rate and so on. The paper also investigates the findings of some major studies conducted in the area of academic achievement and its hypothesized relationship with such other diverse areas as after-school pursuits, homework phenomena, types of activities in and out of school, cross gender and ethnicity issues. This is to give the reader a proper understanding of the major issues in the present debate of achievement in high school and particularly of the tenth-graders. Review of Literature Physical education is a â€Å"systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program† (infoplease. com). Thus, there are certain goals to be met by implementing the physical education scenario. There have been considerable attempts in encircling the physical education curriculum in the United States of America. However, it is only recently that more and more emphasis is being laid on the importance of physical education and its link between higher academic achievement and proportionate significance of attendance rate. Since the year 1987, NASPE (the National Association for Sport and Physical Education) has been in constant pursuit in the updated information about the awareness in public of physical education in US education system. There are certain reservations that come to us in this regard. Three of them are mainly discussed in the present literature about physical education in the US educational system. These are: (1) There is no federal law, as yet, which says that physical education is to be provided to the students in the US education system; also there are not listed any incentives to offer physical education programs. 2) Although states may come up with some ground for the physical education policies, the state schools are free to work on their own in promoting, retaining, reducing the physical education portfolio in their own way. ) Another issue is that many states let go the responsibility for all content taught in schools to local school districts. (pe4life. com) The evidence is also found on other literature and net resources that plainly make it public that in the United States of America, physical education is not something prioritized. Even physical education in high school and elsewhere are â€Å"in sorry shape† and that the physical education â€Å"has been squeezed out of school by new curriculum requirements and other factors† (ducationworld. om). Apart from this, there is now word by such professionals as physicians who see that physical education is very necessary for a better future generation. More solid evidence comes form the Report to the President: Promoting Better Health for Young People through Physical Activity and Sports. In this report, Donna Shalala, Health and Human Services Secretary, and Richard Riley, Education Secretary, boldly wrote: â€Å"Our nation’s young people are, in large measure, inactive, unfit, and increasingly overweight. This report should stimulate action to make sure that daily physical activity for young people becomes the norm in our nation† (pe4life. com). Although we can see that today more and more attention is being paid to the physical education policy in US education system, there are grave critical areas that need to be addressed for a better physical education policy. For example there are trends of abating physical education time in schools because of pressure from academic side. This is very much a problem present in today’s education system. The simple fact is that more and more research findings are coming along with results that show that the old maxim â€Å"sound mind in a sound body† is aptly right. Thus it is now acknowledged that the students who are physically fit perform better on the academic side as well. In this connection we see that: â€Å"a 2002 California Department of Education study found a direct correlation between higher levels of physical fitness and higher academic test scores. According to Delaine Eastin, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, We now have the proof weve been looking for: students achieve best when they are physically fit† (pe4life. com (b)). As such, a new educational approach is now being said to be coming up on the educational front of the US schools that is called ‘total mind, total body educational approach’. In addition to the above, U. S. Surgeon General Report states that â€Å"Nearly two out of three adult Americans, or 130 million of us, are overweight or obese†; as such The health problems related to our growing girths are well known – more heart diseases, diabetes and other weigh-related ailments that send 300,000 Americans to an early grave every year. In fact, if childhood obesity continues to grow at current levels, some health officials contend, this generation of youngsters may actually have a shorter lifespan than their parents – a first in history† (smc. edu). When the report gives this alerting call to the nation, it is of much relief that in the same report the U. S. surgeons also carve out some strategies to overcome the problem. Among these strategies, the most prominent place is give to the physical education for the youths in the high schools. However, this is also not wrong to state that with the advent of the recognition of physical education in high schools, specially in ninth- and tenth-grades, another debate has taken birth: Whether or not physical education grade be included in high school students’ GPA. This school of thought considers that inclusion of physical education grades in student’s GPA will boost up students’ morale and will encourage them to do better in the physical education class because â€Å"Physical education is truly a microcosm of life, and every lesson taught has the potential to translate into the real world and prepare students to become healthy, productive members of society† (elibrary. bigchalk. com). Whatever the arguments are, we can be certain that in today’s literature about physical activity and high schools, physical education is something that needs more and more space in schools policies so that a better tomorrow can be handed down to our future generation that is already getting more pressure from academic side. If we look at the schools curriculum regarding physical education of ninth- and tenth-grades, we find that there are no serious attempts at defining the education. For example, a school in US states only three basic goals for physical education for the ninth- and tenth-grades (benton. k12. wi. us). Another school very shortly gives only the names of the physical activities to be observed by the students (rockingham. k12. va. us). This kind of treatment is in abundance and needs serious attention on the part of the government and school administrations to bring solid measures for the improvement in this area. Physical Education and Academic Achievement in 10th-grade When it comes to physical education in high schools, we find that it is very important for people who are in grades ninth and tenth because â€Å"This is an age when students begin to impose self-judgement in terms of accepting their physical appearance and their willingness to involve themselves in positive physical activities† (teacherweb. com). According to the Physical Activity and Health (a report of the surgeon genera) there is deep linkage between physical education and academic achievement. Physical education makes it possible for a better and healthy start in life enabling students to go for challenges that are not touched upon by those who are not active through physical activity. Moreover, the report suggests that schools should create such programs that can offer students opportunities by which they can get into physical activity. At this stage, this becomes more important because that report informs that as people grow, they show more and more declination in goring for physical activity: â€Å"Physical activity declines dramatically with age during adolescence† (cdc. gov). Thus, there is stark need that students of ninth and tenth-grade must be made aware of the importance of physical education and their academic achievement. The physical education should also be given priority by the school administration so that a sound educational environment can be achieved for healthier and academically better grounds for the students of high schools. This has been found through the research that physical activities may enhance cognitive functioning of the brain. This, as a result, may explain the relationship found between the students’ involvement in physical activities and their academic success (nps. 12. va. us). There are three major findings in the literature that relate physical activity involvement and the cognitive functioning. These are: 1) There is a significantly â€Å"positive relationship between physical activity and cognitive functioning in children†; 2) â€Å"Results support possibility that participation in physical activity causes improvements in cognitive function†; 3) â€Å"Acute bouts of physical activity exert short-term positive benefits on the behavioural and cognitive functioning of youths†; ) It has also been found that â€Å"Being on a school sports team and having a positive achievement orientation were positively associated with physical activity levels† (holidaycalendar. dsr. wa). Therefore, from this very analysis it becomes pretty clear that in 10th grade (or roughly in high school), physical education plays a very important role as far as the phenomena of long, healthy life is concerned; as far as real-life active participation by the youth is concerned; and, above all, their academic achievement is concerned. However, looking at the picture more closely, we find that the present scenario in the United States of America, when it comes to physical education, academic success, link between physical education and academic success and real-life situation; there are certain challenges present to the Government. For example, â€Å"Nearly half of young people aged 12-21 are not vigorously active on a regular basis and physical activity declines dramatically with age during adolescence† (arlington. k12. va. us). And this has surely given the government a call of high alert because it is simply suggested that less physical activity on the side of the youth will give rise to ailments that will in return proportionately affect academic achievement of the students. Thus, today we can see that the United States of America is building more solid policies for coping up with the situation. In this very connection, a recent example is the President’s Challenge program, which purely focuses on bringing the people of the U.  S. to the physical activity grounds so that a healthier society for the future can be the possibility. This is â€Å"a program that encourages all Americans to make being active part of their everyday lives. No matter what your activity and fitness level, the Presidents Challenge can help motivate you to improve† (presidentschallenge. org). The Presidential Challenge program is all about remaining with an active lifestyle and the program specifically focuses on how to assess the citizens in this regard. This program also introduces some rewards for the participants of the program like PALA (Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (presidentschallenge. org). This simply gives us the idea that the government of the U. S. has come up with grave policies which focus on the physical fitness of the citizens for a better tomorrow and a healthy society. Physical Education and Academic Achievement Debate  There are different schools of thoughts within the research that circle around the relationship between academic achievement in students and such other phenomena as physical education, homework, social loafing, and so forth. A considerable area of research exists that especially takes into examination the students of eighth to tenth grade. For example the article After-school pursuits, ethnicity, and achievement for 8th- and 10th-grade students which is one of the remarkable piece showing the contribution of people like James B.  Schreiber , Elisha A. Chambers, Walberg, Paschal, Weinstein, Cooper, and so on. Thus the proponents of homework suggest that â€Å"Homework has been shown to have a positive relationship with† academic achievement. And that there is also a proportionate difference between the amount of time spent on homework (After-School Pursuits). However, the other side of the pole comes up with the argument that there is not total contribution that can be related to homework alone when looking into the matter of higher academic achievement. This school of though aptly analyzes the effects of physical education on academic achievement of the students. For example, a research review by Holland and Andre in the year 1987 brought into their examination the relationship, if any, between physical education or athletic participation and academic achievement in the students. Their findings brought some more elements of debate in the intellectual circle because they found that there were sex-related differences among students as far as physical education and academic achievement is concerned. They reported that the research demonstrated that male high school athletes received somewhat higher grade point averages (GPAs) than did nonathletes. However, when one considers standardized achievement or aptitude tests, boys whose only after-school activity was sports scored lower than national averages on the Standardized achievement Test. No significant differences in GPAs or standardized tests were observed between female athletes and nonathletes† (After-School Pursuits).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Tuskegee Airman Essay -- Papers WW II World War 2 Air Force

The Tuskegee Airman For my term paper I chose the Tuskegee Airman. They will alway be the most influential air squadron during WWII. I think this because there where a lot racist people that did not want them to succeed, but they did more than just succeed. They became the first black Air Force pilots. It all started when President Roosevelt arranged a meeting in September 1940 with three African-American leaders and members of the Army and Navy. During the meeting, the leaders emphasized three points:(1)equal opportunity for jobs in the defense industry, (2)impartial administration of the new draftlaw, and (3)an opportunity for qualified blacks to learn to fly in desegrated units.*1* A few days later after the meeting, the War Department issued a policy directives stating that black men generally would be admitted into the armed force in numbers equivalent to their percentage in the civilian population. But it was not until a couple months after the meeting in December 1940, that the Army Air Corps submitted a plan for the experiment to establish an all-black fighter squadron. The plan was not official until July 19, 1941 when Major General Walter Weaver, commander of the U.S. Army’s Southeastern Air Corps spoke at the Tuskegee Institute Campus.*2* It was then that 13 black men became the first black pilot trainees. Most of the trainees were college graduates, including a policeman, an army officer, a factory inspector, and several young men who were fresh out of college. Also, all of the men were trained at Chanute Air Field in Ratoul, Illinois at the US Army Air Corps Technical Training School. The men of... ...groups. But it was not until 1948 that President Harry S. Truman issued an executive order. This order eventually ended segregation in the US military. In this paper I have represented my thesis statement with good facts and hard evidence that the Tuskegee Airman were and always will be the most influential fighter unit during WWII. Bibliography: Bilbiography #1.Mckissack, Patricia and Fredrick Red Tail Angles United States : Walker Publishing Company, 1995. #2.Harris, Jacqueline The Tuskegee Airman New Jersey: Dillon Press,1996. #3.Hart Philip S. Fly Free Minneapolis,Minnesota: Lerner Publications Company,1992. #4.Rose Robert A. Lonely Eagles Los Angelos,CA: Tuskegee Airman Inc. #5. â€Å"Tuskegee Airman:A Brief History† Tuskegee Airman November 26,1999

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Literary features of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Chapter 11 Essa

Literary features of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Chapter 11 Pg 70 Achebe throughout the novel uses many different literary features Literary features of ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe Chapter 11 Achebe throughout the novel uses many different literary features to bring emphasis to certain points and equally to create a plausible picture of what tribal life was like. His particular style of writing, using specific detail of everyday things, brings the characters to life; it creates a depth and complexity to the characters that makes the tribe into a realistic civilization. This technique is used primarily to challenge the preconceptions the people of the Western world have about tribal life. Details such as the ‘shrill cry of the insects’ and how the snuff Okonkwo brought had gone damp and how it was so dark there was not enough light to eat by. The chapter opens with a description of the night, we have been told in a previous chapter that the tribes people found the dark without moonlight frightening, this information helps the reader to identify w...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dreams in of mice and men Essay

Of Mice and Men Dreams Of Mice and Men is set in Salinas, California in the 1930s Great Depression. Life was hard and men could be cruel. Hope might be the only escape from hard reality. This links to the American Dream – represented in George and Lennie’s dream of working hard and getting their own land and farm, and control over their own lives. But it was harder than ever to achieve due to the tough economic conditions of the Depression. After Lennie’s death, it might be possible for George to realise his dream, but the emptiness at the end of the novel shows that financial success is nothing when you are lonely. So the dream is not just something to own, or possess, but also something to share. ‘Compassion and love’, to Steinbeck – as outlined in his Nobel Prize speech are the most important things, as is ‘hope’ – having a dream. Lennie and George have a fairly simple dream: to own a small farm, and be their own bosses, which contrasts with the large factory type farm they are on, where men are treated like machines, which are frequently broken (Crooks and Candy), and isolated from each other. George repeats his and Lennie’s dream like a mantra: ‘we got a future’, suggesting that they are different to the others. ‘Future’ here is a metaphor for something bright, and greater than what they have now – like the American Dream to ‘live off the fatta the land’. The phrase ‘fat of the land’ almost suggests a biblical promised land after the hard, ‘wilderness’ years. The function of the dream therefore is to help them to endure hardship and not give in to despair. They want control of their own lives: ‘we’ll just say the hell with goin to work’. This can make them seem naive however, as farmers have to work whether they want to or not – especially smallholders. When George sets out the dream, he then says that he and Lennie are ‘not like those other guys’. The dream sets George and Lennie apart from the others; they make themselves special: in the inclusive ‘we’ against the exclusive ‘those other guys’. The juxtaposition of ‘us’ and ‘them’ verbally bonds the protagonists together in contrast to the other men – even though they are all, George, Lennie, Crooks, Candy, in the same situation. Still, George and Lennie separate themselves from the others by using the third person to describe farm hands as, ‘the loneliest guys in the world.’ The superlative ‘loneliest’ and hyperbole ‘in the world’ exaggerates the harshness of the world of the Depression as shown in the novel. Sometimes it seems that George ‘owns’ the dream – as he is the one who tells it to Lennie, like a child’s bedtime story, prayer or mantra, in keeping with his role as ‘parent/protector’ to his child-like companion. This is emphasised by the simple, mantra-like structure, where Lennie keeps filling in the gaps if George hesitates, and repeating short phrases after him as if he knows it by heart, even though – as George says frustratedly, Lennie always ‘forgets’ everything else. It is not always certain if George believes the dream is possible or if he is saying it to keep Lennie quiet. Sometimes, George seems sceptical, saying they will have ‘every colour rabbits’ including ‘red and blue’. He is patronising to Lennie, saying ‘good boy’, keeping him safe from his own stupidity. In these scenes the dream seems more of a spell or placebo to keep the main characters safe than something that is really possible. Other characters are very cynical about the dream. The reader is made to question how realistic these dreams are. Curley’s wife dreams of when she threw away the chance to become famous, but we can see that her dream is a sham. Of George and Lennie’s dream, Crooks says: ‘every damn one of them’s got a little piece of land in his head’. Crooks’ final judgement is that ‘never a God damn one of ‘em ever gets it.’ The repetition of the absolute ‘never’ and ‘ever’, as well as the strong slang ‘God damn’ emphasises how desperate life is. However, it is not certain whether Steinbeck shares Crooks’ negative view. Crooks is an extreme character. His language is hyperbole – very extreme and relentlessly negative. Crooks’ phrase ‘God damn’ suggests that God has abandoned these men, in contrast to the biblical image of hope in George and Lennie’s dream of living ‘off the fatta the land’. The biblical imagery continues negatively when Crooks compares the dream of land to being ‘like Heaven’ – the Christian idea of perfect bliss, not considered a physical reality – and which Crooks says is just as impossible to get as a piece of land. It’s hard for George to keep Lennie out of trouble and keep them on track for their dream. But when they tell Candy, it starts to seem as if it might be possible. [needs evidence/ quotation/ language analysis] In an instant, Candy’s faith (and money) take them close to the ideal/dream becoming real. As the dream is shared, or heard by more people, the more it seems that together they might make it come true. Even the ultra negative Crooks starts to believe.[needs evidence/ quotation/ language analysis] But all the time, Steinbeck has built up a foreboding feeling, that this world is hard and horrible and nothing good can live in it. We feel that the gentleness of Lennie and George’s friendship, and their shared dream, will be crushed by the cruel world – even by Lennie’s desire for gentle, soft things. ‘I like soft things’ Every time he kills an animal – mouse or puppy, Lennie’s biggest, darkest fear is that he won’t be allowed ‘to tend the rabbits’. The dream is so precious to him that he wants it at any cost. Curley’s wife is lonely and wants someone to listen to her dream. [needs evidence/ quotation/ language analysis] When she finds Lennie in the barn, she lets him stroke her hair. When she starts screaming, Lennie screams at her to stop or ‘George won’t let me tend the rabbits’. She’s so frightened that she can’t stop and Lennie accidentally kills her. In a way, Lennie’s desire to keep the dream (by keeping Curley’s wife quiet – and smothering her) is the thing that has destroyed it. The irony of this makes it even more poignant. When Candy discovers what has happened all he wants to know is that he and George can still get the farm. [needs evidence/ quotation/ language analysis] He loses sight of human decency – the woman is dead and Lennie will soon die too. Steinbeck makes us ask whether any dream of financial prosperity should be more important than human life? Should we try to get it at any cost? At the end, George tells Lennie the ‘fairy story’ of the dream again – to make him happy at the moment he has to kill the dream of togetherness by shooting him in the head. He almost can’t speak because he is so upset. [needs evidence/ quotation/ language analysis] Even though George could still have the farm with Candy, he is deeply sad that he couldn’t keep Lennie alive. Because the dream isn’t worth much when he doesn’t have his old friend to share it with. Lennie loved the dream more than anyone and he never gets it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the craigs case essays

the craigs case essays While reading this case I couldnÕt believe how similar CraigÕs problem was to my own from couple years ago. I tried to recall all the facts from my own experience and compare them to CraigÕs. Even though I never had a steady job and I worked only couple of summers, I am pretty sure that many people had experience like this at one point in their careers. Every person in the world is different, and I believe that each person would behave differently in this case. To be fair maybe the outcome would be the same in some instances, but the decision process would be unique to every individual. This is where ethics come into the play, according to this term everyone should act the same in any given situation. Craig is facing very serious decision, just like in ShakespeareÕs Hamlet à  to be or not to be? He is to choose between his physical well being and his conscience. According to Hobbes, in humanÕs nature is to be egoist, and one should always look out for oneÕs best interest, in this case keep the job and graduate from college. On the other side there are many stakeholders depending on the decision he will make, and according to the definition of ethics, it is not about me, it is about others. Clearly, consistently with the definition Craig is not facing a dilemma but a definite choice à  to speak out for himself and the customers that are depending on his decision. Craig must not sign the evaluation sheet and must do the only right and ethical thing. He must take this issue to the top management and complain about the wrongfulness of the previous actions of his superiors. If he is threatened with his tuition reimbursement and even if his job is on the line, he must proceed with his intentions and go to the authorities that are responsible for such cases. CraigÕs duties and obligations in this case are numerous. According to the text, there are seven basic duties for good and bad conduct. One must keep explicit an...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Punctuation on ACT English Apostrophes, Colons, and More

Punctuation on ACT English Apostrophes, Colons, and More SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What's the difference between a periodand a semicolon? Between a comma and a dash? These questions bedevil not just students, but evenprofessional writers. Punctuation can be one of the weirdest, most confusing parts of writing. However, the ACT English section isn't writing- it's a multiple choice test, which means that every question has to have only one correct answer. The ACT tests a specific set of punctuation rules, most of which deal with commas. Icovered commasin a separate post- here I'll be explaining the other punctuation rules you need to know, which deal with apostrophes, semicolons, colons, and dashes. Here's brief rundown of everything this article will cover: Using apostrophes in possessives and contractions Understanding the differences between semicolons, colons, and dashes Answering ACT English questions on punctuation ACT English practice questions Feature Image Credit: xlibber Apostrophes: Possessives and Contractions Apostrophes on the ACT can be really tricky. You mayassume you know the rules, but the ACTtests these concepts in its ownweird way. As such, I'm going to briefly review the relevant rules, and then go over in detail how these concepts are tested on the ACT and what the common errors that you need to watch out for are. Possessives The basic rules for forming possessives are quite simple. If a word is singular or if it's plural but doesn't end in "s," then you add "'s" to the end of the word. the fox → the fox’s the women → the women’s To create a possessive for a plural word thatdoes end in "s," you simply place an apostrophe at the end of the word, after the "s." the archaeologists → thearchaeologists’ Let's look at how this works in a sentence: At the tinkers convention, Jose browsed for a long time before deciding he wanted to buy something from the leather workersstall. Clearly, this sentence is missing a number of apostrophes. Theconvention is for a lot of tinkers, so there should be an apostrophe after the s. It's probably just one leather workerat the stall though, so the apostrophe should go before the s. At the tinkers' convention, Jose browsed for a long time before deciding he wanted to buy something from the leather worker'sstall. On the ACT English, possessives questions aren't so much about knowing the rules as they are about determining whetheryou need an apostrophe at all and, if so, whether the noun is meant to be plural or singular. Should This Noun be Possessive? Happily, there's an easy trick to determine whether a noun should be possessive. "Sally's ball" is just another way of saying "the ball of Sally." So if you want to figure out whether a noun is meant to be possessive, take the noun, put an "of" in front of it, and stick it after the noun or phrase that follows it. This may sound complicated, but it's actually very easy. Let's walk through an example. When my computer crashed, I lost a months work on my plan to take over the world. Should month be possessive? Try switching it around: When my computer crashed, I lost thework of a month on my plan to take over the world. That makes sense: the point is that I lost all the work I did in a month. The correct version of the sentence is: When my computer crashed, I lost a month's work on my plan to take over the world. It's easy to assume that because a month isn't a person it can't be possessive, but that's not the case. Any noun can be possessive. In general, when dealing with possessive nouns, you're more likely to see questions where there's a necessary apostrophe missing (or misplaced, which we'll discuss shortly), than you are to see ones with extra apostrophes that you don't actually need. Is the Noun Meant to be Plural or Singular? The other factor you'll need to consider when placingapostrophes is whether the possessivenoun is meant to be singular or plural. Whether "the neighbor's dog" or "the neighbors' dog" is correct is dependent on whether there is only one neighbor or more than one. When working on ACT English questions, you'll need to look at context clues to determine how many of the noun there are meant to be. Let's revisit our example from above: When my computer crashed, I lost a months work on my plan to take over the world. We've already established that "months" should be possessive. But how do we know that it's "month's" not "months'"? The singular article "a" gives us the clue- "a months" makes no sense, so the noun has to be singular. Consider a slightly different version of the sentence: When my computer crashed, I lost somemonths work on my plan to take over the world. "Some" indicates more than one. So when we make "months" possessive, we need to put the apostrophe after the "s": When my computer crashed, I lost somemonths' work on my plan to take over the world. Keep in mind that the relevant context clues may sometimes be trickier to spot, so check the sentences before and after the underlined one if you're unsure. ACT Example The ACT tests possessives in almost exactly the same way we just discussed. Take a look at this example from an official ACT English section: Let's go through our two questions in order. Should "family" be possessive? If we switch around the word order to "the farm of his family" that makes sense, so yes, the noun should be possessive. (In this example, you might also say "family farm" but you'll notice that isn't an answer choice.) Is it "family" or "families"? First, think about what clues you can use- "his" is a good one. We're talking about Banneker's family specifically, and people generally only have one family. The singular form is correct. Nowwe know that we need an answer with "family" and an apostrophe, which narrows it down to A and B. We need to pick the one that correctly places the apostrophe before the "s" (since we're dealing with a singular noun), which is B. Whoever wrote this sign didn't know the correct rules for apostrophes ( ©Leo Reynolds) Contractions When working with contractions, you only really need to know one rule: the apostrophe replaces the missing letter or letters. Do not→ don't (apostrophe replaces the second "o") They have→ they've (apostrophe replaces the "ha") There are a few weird cases like "won't," but you don't need to worry about them. In fact, the ACT English generally doesn't ask about spelling of contractions. Why are we going over this rule then? Because there are a couple of very common contraction-related errors that the ACT English does test. Could Of vs. Could've If you've doneany ACT English practice you may have seen the construction "could of," "should of," or "would of." For example: I should of gone to bed early, but I stayed up to play video games instead. This sentence sounds fine if you read it aloud, but it's actually incorrect. I'm trying to say that I should have gone to bed- the correct spelling is"should've" not "should of": I should'vegone to bed early, but I stayed up to play video games instead. Should of, could of, and would of are always wrong. If you're trying to determine if a contraction is correct in general, though, replace it with the fully written out form. This technique will come in handywith our next category of errors as well. Pronouns One of the most common mistakes students make on the ACT English is mixing up "it's," "its'," and "its." Do you know the difference? It's - it is or it has Its - possessive form of it Its' - not a word Think about it this way: a contraction must have an apostrophe to replace the dropped letters while no other pronoun possessives (his, her, my) have apostrophes. Its', meanwhile, is just a weird construction that only shows up on the ACT- it is never correct. To summarize: for pronouns, an apostrophe ALWAYS indicates a contraction. Though they're less common, errors with they're, there, and their and errors with who's and whose may also appear on the test. For more details on those, take a look at our post on word choice. Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes: Connecting Clauses and Phrases We've covered apostrophes (above) and commas (elsewhere)- that leaves only three more punctuation marks: semicolons, colons, and dashes. Like commas, which they're often tested in conjunction with, these punctuation marks help clarify the relationships between clauses and phrases. Also like commas, you are far more likely to make an error by adding an unnecessary punctuation mark than by removing a necessary one, so err on the side of less punctuation. We're going to go over the exact uses for each of these punctuation marks, but, first a quick disclaimer. Semicolons, colons, and dashes are almost always tested with commas or in the context of sentence fragments and sentence structure. We have separate posts on each of those, so make sure to look at them as well. Semicolons Semicolons are basically wishy-washy periods (or so their detractors claim); they connect two independent clauses. That previous sentence is an example! A semicolon is only correct if it could be replaced with a period. Incorrect: After seeing that the amusement park hadfour roller coasters; Maria was determined to ride them all. Correct: The amusement park has four roller coasters; Maria was determined to ride them all. In the first version of the sentence, a semicolon is being used incorrectly in place of a comma to connect a dependent and an independentclause. In the second version, it is correctly placed between two independent clauses. Remember that semicolons are interchangeable with periods- this means that you will never be asked to choose between them. If the only difference between two answers is that one has a period and the other semicolon in the same spot, both answers must be wrong. There is one other, much less common, use of semicolons: to separate items in a list, especially if they include commas. For example: My whole family was at the reunion, including my cousins, Kirsten and Jeremy; my aunts, Tracy and Megan; and my grandparents, Carl and Jen. Again, there's a small chance you'll see this usage on the test, but it'sverysmall. Don't worry about it too much. Make sure to keep your semicolons happy by only using them between independent clauses! ( ©Mauricio Balvanera) Colons Colons are easy to mix up with semicolons because the two punctuation marks look similar and have similar names. Colons can, in fact, connect two independent clauses, but they are usually used to introduce lists or explanations (you may have noticed that I tend to employ them for the latter purpose quite a lot). The key rule for colons is that they must come after a complete sentence. You should be able to put a period at the end of the clause before the colon and have it make sense. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you're introducing a list or explanation, it's still wrong. Incorrect:Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween, including: fake blood, plastic spiders, and a witch’s hat. Correct:Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween: fake blood, plastic spiders, and a witch’s hat. Correct:Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween: a holiday when people dress up in scary costumes and eat a lot of candy. Correct:Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween: she was planning to dress up as a zombie witch. The first sentence is incorrect, because the part that comes before the colon isn't a complete thought; "Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween, including" makes no sense on its own. The other three versions all correctly locate a colon at the end of the independent clause, "Liz went to the costume shop for the supplies she needed for Halloween." You may have noticed that semicolons, colons, and periods can all be used between independent clauses. However, as I mentioned in regard to semicolons, you will never be asked to choose between the three- the distinctions are purely stylistic. If you have more questions on this topic, read our guide to sentence fragments and run-ons. Dashes Dashes are a strange and flexible punctuation mark- personally, they're my favorite! However, for the sake of the ACT English, you really only need to understand two of itsuses: markingoff a non-essential clause or phrase (just like a comma)and introducing a list or explanation (just like a colon). Non-essential clauses and phrases provide extra information that can be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence. When dashes are used with non-essential clauses or phrases, the key is making sure that you don't mix them with commas. Both are equally correct, but you have to stick to one or the other. Incorrect: Allie was minding her own business when her brother, a mischievous eight-year-old- snuck up and surprised her. Correct:Allie was minding her own business when her brother- a mischievous eight-year-old- snuck up and surprised her. Correct:Allie was minding her own business when her brother, a mischievous eight-year-old, snuck up and surprised her. To mark off non-essential clauses is by far the most likely way you'll see dashes tested on the ACT English. However, you may also see dashes used to introduce a list or explanation, like so: Allie’s eight-year-old brother surprised her- he snuck up behind her and yelled â€Å"boo!† Dashes are relatively rare on the ACT, so just understandroughly how they can be usedand you'll be fine. ACT Example As I mentioned above, these punctuation marks are often tested together. You cansee what that looks like in this official ACT question: On questions like this one, it's often easier to determine what doesn't work than what does. So let's start with the semicolon; "but versatile boat" definitely isn't an independent clause, so we know a semicolon can't be correct. This construction alsoisn't a non-essential phrase (if you take it out the sentence no longer makes sense), a list, or an explanation, so we canrule out the dash. The comma is tempting because it's right before the coordinating conjunction "but," but it's actually incorrect. Think about what commas, dashes, colons, and semicolons are all meant to do: clarify relationships between clauses and phrases. That means you generally shouldn't stick them in the middle of a thought. "simple but versatile boat" is one idea, so you don't want to interrupt it with unneccesary punctuation. B is the correct answer. Remember to always consider whether you really need a punctuation mark- you often don't. Breaking the rules is great sometimes, but not on the ACT. ( ©Edward SImpson) Applying Punctuation Rules on the ACT English We've covered a lot of rules and strategies for answering punctuation questions on the ACT English. I've rounded up the key points below, so that you can seethe key rules to remember and best strategies to implement! Key Rules for Punctuation: Possessives: theapostrophe goes before the s for singular nouns and plural nouns that don't end in s and after the s for plural nouns that do end in s Contractions: the apostrophe replaces themissing letters Possessive pronouns don't have apostrophes Semicolons connect twocomplete sentences Colons come after a complete sentence and introduce a list or explanation Dashes mark off non-essential clauses or introduce lists and explanations Helpful ACT English Strategies: Use "of" to check whether a noun should be possessive Use context clues to determine whether a possessive noun is plural or singular Remember that non-person nouns can be possessive Answer choices that are always wrong: should of, could of, would of, its' You'll never be asked to choose between interchangeable punctuation marks: either you're missing something or both answers are wrong Make sure the punctuation marks around a non-essential clause or phrase are always the same: either a pair of commas or a pair of dashes, never one of each Since there are a variety of different punctuation marks that serve similar purposes, use process of elimination to rule out the ones that can't be right, rather than trying to figure out what you think it should be If onechoice doesn't have a punctuation mark at all,be sure togive it carefulconsideration- it will often be the correctanswer Make sure to study the related topics of commas and run-on sentences as well Put Your Skills into Action! The best way to improve on the ACT English is to practice. To that end, I've created some sample ACT style questions where you can test out your new knowledge. 1. The twomain types of camels are; bactrian camels, which have two humps, and dromedary camels, which have one. A. NO CHANGE B.are: bactrian C.are bactrian D.are, bactrian 2.Tootsie Pops are beloved forthe lollipops chocolatey centers, even thoughno one knows how many licks it takes to get to them. F. NO CHANGE G. lollipops' H. lollipop's J. lollipop 3.Adding to the drama, Joe according to the rumor mill- stole Alfonso's girlfriend. A. NO CHANGE B.Joe, C.Joe who D.Joe - 4. Even though she's been trying to cut it down, Fran's action albumcollection is still impressive: over 400 vinyl records, 2000 CDs, and even a handful of tapes. F. NO CHANGE G. impressive; over H.impressive over J.impressive, it's Answers: 1. C, 2. G, 3. D, 4. F What's Next? Make sure you also understand the comma rules on the ACT English. Commas are often tested in conunction with other forms of punctuation. Not sure what else you need to study? Check out our guide to the most commonly tested ACT grammar rules. Start thinking big picture! Learn the 5 key concepts you need to ace the ACT English and the 9 steps to a 36 (as tested by a perfect scorer). Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Not That Big of a Deal

Not That Big of a Deal Not That Big of a Deal Not That Big of a Deal By Maeve Maddox A reader dislikes this commonly heard idiom: This is a losing battle, I’m sure. I constantly hear – and am annoyed by – people expressing reservations about something with phrases like â€Å"It’s not that big of a deal,† or â€Å"It’s not that good of a movie† etc.   As far as I know, the â€Å"of† is superfluous; you just say â€Å"not that big a deal† or â€Å"not that good a movie.†Ã‚   Adding the â€Å"of† seems unnecessary and grating to me.  I’d be interested in your thoughts on this point. The reader is correct in feeling that the â€Å"of† in â€Å"not that big of a deal† is superfluous. As one of the writers at The Grammarphobia blog points out, â€Å"An extra word can be justified if it serves an emphatic or supportive purpose, as in â€Å"first time ever†Ã‚  or â€Å"three different times.† Adding of to â€Å"not that big a deal† and â€Å"not that good a movie† serves no emphatic or supportive purpose. Nevertheless, â€Å"big of a deal† is commonly heard in spoken English and, judging by the Ngram Viewer, seems to be creeping into print. The first year the phrase â€Å"big of a deal† occurs on the Ngram Viewer is 1945. It doesn’t make much of a showing in print until the 1980s, when it shoots upward. The usage may have originated by analogy with the standard construction in which a noun is described by another noun (noun + â€Å"of a† + noun): I have a whale of a tale to tell you, Lads. San Andreas is a disaster of a movie. My girlfriend has been dating a loser of a boyfriend. The dog has made a hell of a mess in the garage. The pattern adjective + â€Å"of a† + noun is also standard- some of the time. For example, some adjectives of quantity are used in this way: One effect of this mechanism is to make it extremely difficult for third party or independent candidates ever to make much of a showing in the Electoral College. But for many researchers, having equal numbers of women and men in the scientific ranks is less of a priority than having a system that is fair and furthers science itself.   Thats more of a commitment than  many emerging market investors want to make. Youd think that  people  would  have had enough of  silly love songs. Big and good are adjectives of quality. â€Å"It wasn’t that good of a supper† is all right as dialect, but its nonstandard. The big of a deal construction may have migrated from dialect to the ranks of colloquialism, but it still has no place in written English, other than in dialogue or direct quotation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Because Of" and "Due To" How to spell "in lieu of"Dozen: Singular or Plural?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Effects of Globalization and Economic Expansion on Russia Research Paper

The Effects of Globalization and Economic Expansion on Russia - Research Paper Example As a result of this, Russia obtained international acknowledgement as the sovereign successor to the Soviet Union. Russia was honored with a permanent seat to represent the Soviet Union in the United Nations Security Council, and various positions in regional and international organizations. 7 Russia sits on both Europe and Asia. However, it is neither Asian nor European in its standpoint and culture. Russia has remained the largest country in the world, even after the division of the Soviet Union in 1991. Ziegler points out that the nation â€Å"occupies about 6.6 million square miles of territory, and is nearly twice the size of the United States. From East to West, the country stretches over 5,000 miles and occupies 11 time zones† (1). After the breakup of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Russia abandoned much of its access to the Black sea. As a result of this fragmentation, Russia was left smaller, landlocked, and geographically isolated. The former Soviet Union w as the third-largest nation in the world with a population of approximately two hundred and ninety million people. Despite the fact that Russia is physically the largest nation in the world, its population has been declining over the years. In this regard, it becomes the ninth largest nation in the world following â€Å"China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria† (Ziegler 2) in terms of population. Over eighty percent of the population of Russia lives on the western side of the nation, while the rest of the population lives in Siberia and Russia’s Far East. 8 Western Russia is populated with majority of Russia’s roads, railways, and air routes. Ziegler asserts that â€Å"Siberia is extremely rich in natural resources-oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, furs, and timber-but much of its wealth is virtually inaccessible or very costly to extract due to the country’s weak transportation system† (2). Today, Russi a is more ethnically united compared to the former Soviet Union and imperial Russia. This is because before the downfall of the Soviet Union, it had only fifty one percent ethnic Russians. However, the Russian Federation today comprises of eighty two percent ethnic Russians. Tatars are the second largest ethnic group in the Russian Federation; the group comes from Mongols descendants, who controlled the lands in Russia in the thirteenth century. Three percent of Russia’s population comprises of the Ukrainians, who are Russian’s Slavic cousins. Twelve percent of the population is made up of Jews, Germans, Belarusians, Turkic people, Caucasians, and small tribes form Siberia. The ethnic groups in Russia generally relate very well, but from time to time, outbursts of violence occur against non-Russians. 9 According to Ziegler â€Å"Russia as a whole lies much further north than the United States; in this sense it is more comparable to Canada† (2). Russia has a lot of fertile agricultural land, but its location in the north results in cold weather and very short growing seasons. As a result of this, most crops do not fare well on Russian soil. When it was part of the Soviet Union, Russia had great cropland. This was however lost when the Soviet Union was dissolved, great cropland located in Kazakhstan and Ukraine was lost. Crops grown in Russia include rye, winter wheat, potatoes and sugar

Friday, October 18, 2019

Changing Gender roles,expectations, attitudes Essay

Changing Gender roles,expectations, attitudes - Essay Example And this choice is what marks itself as progressive in how gender roles are looked upon in modern times. A friend who was a recent divorcee prompted Judy Brady to attempt to answer the question why would anyone want a wife. â€Å"I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school, I want a wife to take care of my children,† (Brady, p.380). The wife is necessary for the man to ensure that harmony in accordance to how he perceives it is attained as he returns to the normal routine he is accustomed to. This accounts for the necessity and the convenience of having a wife in the pursuit of consensus within a traditional household before. Brady’s characterization of the wife as exemplified in her essay â€Å"Why I want a Wife† is quite point blank and resounding of the reality of the role of women in the family as the one who nurtures and oversees the overall welfare of the family. It is still widely read today, decades after its publication because it still contains a vast degree of reality even in today’s evolved modern life. There is the paradox of the woman who becomes a wife and evidently becomes a mother, who in the process loses her independence and consequent financial stability. The career of the woman is then compromised as she is delineated to the caring of the home and in ensuring the satisfaction of her husband. That a majority of women are classified as wives and as mothers (Brady, p.380). But years after this, as showcased in Glenn Sacks article, there is now a new category wherein the fathers take over what is usually a relative female role in the home. From the commonly accepted ‘setup’ where the wife cooks as the husband goes to work, the old definition of gender roles has now become loose. More and more women are now opting to have a career simultaneous with raising a family. There is though truth to what Sacks is saying regarding the real status of

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Art History - Essay Example According to this movement, reason and logic led people into war and therefore they were against capitalism. Fountain is one the greatest Duchamp’s works and this piece of art is dated 1917. This piece of art is well known for the production of readymade or found objects of visual art. It is also important to understand that this piece of art has a close relationship with the dada movement. As already mentioned above, Dadaism was against the strict logic and reasoning and productions like the fountain was meant to change the focus of art from the traditional visual to mental. Theo van Doesburg is also one of the Dadaist artists who had similar opinions of changing the focus of the traditional art to modernism. According to this artist, art was not meant to just please the eyes but also to appease the mind. His works closely resembles Duchamp’s work of cubism. The two artists based their works on change of ideologies as they argued that lack of change in ideology is what resulted into the First World War. Their main aim of art was to show retaliation against capitalism in most countries across Europe and America. Theo van Doesburg made large drawings, writings and other studies regarding large glasses. This artist desired the accommodation of modernity with his style commonly used in modern industrial products. This is also similar to Duchamp especially his work on the fountain. The urinal is commonly used in the toilets. It is also important to understand that the formation of glasses and tiles as pieces of art is majorly influenced with these two artists. Besides this Doesburg was also much concerned about alphabetical designs something that is argued to be an influence from his witty chess game (Baljeu). He is reported to be a lover of chess and this influenced most of his art work. A good example is the formation of the vertical word of zig-zag in 1931. The artists aimed at stripping words their

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 23

Marketing - Essay Example The company has over 1200 employees and a revenue turnover of over $1.2 billion .The services provided are insurance and financial services that are aimed at supporting the families that are affected by the death of their loved ones (Plant 2000). The organization has over 1.7 million members and over 13000 councils in countries such as the Philippines, Canada, Mexico, Guam the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Cuba, Poland Dominican Republic amongst other states (Bayse2008). The main purpose of its existence is that of instilling practical catholic discipline on its members so that they can understand the norms and beliefs of the religion. Knights of Columbus also promote catholic education and charity to its members so that they can learn how to carry out their activities in the future. The core values of this organization are charitable work, Catholicism and acts of volunteering. For example in the year 2003, over $130 million efforts were contributed and over $ 60 million hours were contributed to the church and other projects. They promote the intellectual and social integration to its members through the provision of education, charitable work, social welfare and relief in both the war and the public domain. With time Knights of Columbus was able to venture into the insurance industry whereby they were to offer financial compensation to its members in case a financial loss occurred. According to Anderson, the main mission of the Company is to prote ct the interests of the catholic families with life insurance. A service refers to the work done by people on behalf of their customers so that they can derive some benefit from it. The management of the organization issues insurance policies to its customers in form of thousands of dollars who are of ages 18 to 60 years so that they can benefit from the services provided to them within the stipulated period of time. It also

Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in IT Project Management Research Paper

Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in IT Project Management - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in most of the businesses today, the sole aim is to operate at optimum levels, where they reduce as many costs as possible and increase revenues to their best. In cost reduction, it is about reducing expenditure, especially expenditure, and ensuring that they use the cheapest products and services as possible. For instance, a company might be in need of a certain service for just but a short period of time. It could also be in need of such a service seasonally and not throughout. It would then be quite expensive and unnecessary to hire a full-time professional to handle that task for a short period then stay idle for a larger amount of time. In such cases, the company could consider hiring that professional on a contractual kind of a relationship. This is the primary concept lying behind outsourcing. Outsourcing is essentially the act of assigning certain business processes or activities to an external party that can help in handling t hem. Most of the time, large organizations cannot handle all their processes internally, either because they are too complex, bulky, or seasonal. The more common reason is the temporary nature of some tasks, such that the company is not willing to hire professionals permanently to carry out these activities from within. When the company then outsources the work to the external service provider, they accord them the responsibility of handling that activity all by themselves and maintaining the firm’s interests and assets at the same time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 23

Marketing - Essay Example The company has over 1200 employees and a revenue turnover of over $1.2 billion .The services provided are insurance and financial services that are aimed at supporting the families that are affected by the death of their loved ones (Plant 2000). The organization has over 1.7 million members and over 13000 councils in countries such as the Philippines, Canada, Mexico, Guam the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Cuba, Poland Dominican Republic amongst other states (Bayse2008). The main purpose of its existence is that of instilling practical catholic discipline on its members so that they can understand the norms and beliefs of the religion. Knights of Columbus also promote catholic education and charity to its members so that they can learn how to carry out their activities in the future. The core values of this organization are charitable work, Catholicism and acts of volunteering. For example in the year 2003, over $130 million efforts were contributed and over $ 60 million hours were contributed to the church and other projects. They promote the intellectual and social integration to its members through the provision of education, charitable work, social welfare and relief in both the war and the public domain. With time Knights of Columbus was able to venture into the insurance industry whereby they were to offer financial compensation to its members in case a financial loss occurred. According to Anderson, the main mission of the Company is to prote ct the interests of the catholic families with life insurance. A service refers to the work done by people on behalf of their customers so that they can derive some benefit from it. The management of the organization issues insurance policies to its customers in form of thousands of dollars who are of ages 18 to 60 years so that they can benefit from the services provided to them within the stipulated period of time. It also

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Car pooling scheme is effective argue against this statement Essay

Car pooling scheme is effective argue against this statement - Essay Example While there seem to be many advantages to it, huge list of disadvantages also make it highly inconvenient for lot of people. The paper would primarily be discussing those shortfalls of carpooling. One of the most important disadvantages is that it considerably restricts the freedom of choice of the people who are part of carpooling arrangement. People can only move back and forth between two travel points which adversely impacts on their independence. Punctuality is of paramount importance because others are also involved who cannot afford to be late because of one person. Their temporary or sudden change of travel plans cannot be accommodated within the arrangement that leaves the person with the inconvenience of finding or using alternate mode of transport at short notice. Indeed, the emergency situations in such plans are not included, which can happen anytime and anywhere. In fact, it totally fails to address this aspect for individual cases. Another important issue is that of pr ivacy of individuals. The people have to sacrifice their personal space and accommodate with the eccentricities of others. They also cannot have confidential conversation on their mobile or include their relation or friend in the arrangement at short notice. Some people also have peculiar habit or habits that they do not like others to know.

Application of the Neuman Systems Essay Example for Free

Application of the Neuman Systems Essay With concerns of our day to day living we do not have enough time and budget to be choosy of the type of food or the nutritional value of it, what we think of nowadays is just to have something to satisfy our hunger without considering the nutrients that our body needs each day. When we hear diet nowadays often we see it as losing weight by means of controlling food intake, but the truth is diet could also mean eating nutritious foods to supplement our body’s needs of nutrients and the type of foods that we are going to consume. As statistics report show that in the United States as many as 20% of hospitalized patients are hypokalemic; however, hypokalemia is clinically significant in only about 4-5% of these patients. Severe hypokalemia is relatively uncommon. Up to 14% of outpatients who undergo laboratory testing are found to be mildly hypokalemic .Approximately 80% of patients who are receiving diuretics become hypokalemic. Sex Incidence is equal in males and females. The researcher chose hypokalemia as a topic for a case study in acute adult diseases for the reason that hypokalemia is a fatal disease that is often neglected by the people in the sense that people does not know what the disease is all about. The researcher believes that through studying the whole course of illness, insights and new information can be obtained in dealing with hypokalemia which could help students, nurses and any researcher who would endeavor in the study of hypokalemia Theoretical Framework The researcher aimed to utilize Neuman Systems Model in a client with hypokalemia. This theory holistically developed to meet or complement for the client’s needs the researcher wants to verify and to validate the theory by using it on an acute condition called hypokalemia. The unique focus of the Neuman Systems Model is the wellness of the client/client system in relation to environmental stress and reactions to stress (Fawcett,1995). In relation to its wholistic approach According to the Neuman Systems Model and systemic perspective in general, health and wellness is defined as the coordination or the degree of system stability, that is, the condition in which all parts and subparts (variables) are in balance or harmony with the whole of the client/client system (Neuman,2002) Betty Neuman’s Systems Model is based on concepts related to stress and reaction to stress. The Neuman Systems Model includes the physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual variables at all levels of the system (Neuman, 2002). The physiological variable deals with mental relationships and processes. The sociocultural variable deals with those functions of the system that involve social and cultural interactions and expectations. The developmental variable deals with developmental processes and needs that vary as the system matures. The spiritual variable deals with the system’s beliefs and their influence and is, according to Neuman, the least understood despite its importance (Frisch, 2006). Basic Structure consists of common client survival factors, as well as unique individual characteristics. It represents the basic system energy resources (Neuman, 2002). Client/client system a composite of variables (physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual), each of which is a subpart of all parts, forms the whole of the client. The client as a system is composed of a core or basic structure of survival factors and surrounding protective concentric rings. The concentric rings are composed of similar factors, yet serve varied and different purposes in either retention, attainment, or maintenance of system stability and integrity or combination of these. The client is considered an open system in total interface with the environment. The client is viewed as a system, and the term can used interchangeably with the client/client system (Neuman, 2002). Content the variables of a person in interaction with the internal and external environment comprise the whole client system (Neuman, 2002) Degree of reaction the degree of reaction is the amount of system instability resulting from stressor invasion of the normal lines of defense. Environment is defined as â€Å"all factors affecting and affected by the system† and is â€Å"all internal and external factors or influences surrounding the identified client or client system†. Neuman has identified three relevant environments. The internal environment â€Å" consists of all forces or interactive influences internal to or contained solely within the boundaries of the defined client/client system†. The external environment â€Å" consists of all forces or interactive influences external to or existing outside the defined client/client system† and is interpersonal and extrapersonal in nature(Neuman, 2002). Feedback the process within which matter, energy, and information, as system output, provide feedback for corrective action to change, enhance or stabilize the system. Flexible lines of defense is a protective buffer for the client’s normal or a stable state. Ideally, it prevents invasion of stressors and keeps the client system free from stressor reactions or symptomatology (Fawcett, 1995). Goal the system goal is stability for the purpose of client survival and optimal wellness. Health a continuum of wellness to illness, dynamic in nature, that is constantly subject to change. Optimal wellness or stability indicates that total system needs are being met. A reduced state of wellness is the result of unmet needs. The client is in a dynamic state either wellness or illness, in varying degrees, at any point in time. Input/Output the matter, energy, and information exchanged between client and environment that is entering or leaving the system at any point in time. Lines of resistance contain certain known and unknown internal and external resource factors that support the client’s basic structure and normal defense line thus protecting system integrity. An example is the body’s mobilization of white blood cells or activation of immune system mechanisms. Effectiveness of the lines of resistance in reversing the reaction to stressors allows the system to reconstitute; ineffectiveness leads to energy depletion (Neuman, 2002). Normal line of defense is the solid boundary line that encircles the broken internal lines of resistance. This line represents what the client has become, the state to which the client has evolved over time, or the usual wellness level. The normal defense line is a standard against any deviancy from the usual wellness state can be determined (Neuman, 2002). Prevention as intervention typology or modes for nursing action and determinants for entry of both client and nurse into the health care system. Primary prevention: before a reaction to stressors occurs. Secondary prevention: treatment of symptoms following a reaction to stressors Tertiary prevention: maintenance of optimal wellness following treatment. Reconstitution represents the return and maintenance of system stability, following treatment of stressor reaction, which may result in higher or lower level of wellness than previously. Stability a state of balance or harmony requiring energy exchanges as the client adequately copes with stressors to retain, attain, or maintain an optimal level of health, thus preserving system integrity. Stressors are environmental factors, intra-, inter-, extrapersonal factor in nature that have potential for disrupting system stability. A stress is any phenomenon that might penetrate both the flexible and normal lines of defense, resulting in either positive or negative outcome (Neuman, 2002). Intrapersonal stressors are within the internal environment of the client/client system and include such forces as conditioned and autoimmune responses. Interpersonal stressors are in the external environment. They occur at the boundary between the client/client system and the proximal external environment an include such forces as role expectations and communication patterns. Extrapersonal stressors also are in the external environment. They occur at the boundary of the client/client system and the distal external environment and include such forces as financial concerns or social policies (Fawcett, 1995). Wellness/Illness wellness is the condition in which all system parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole system of the client. Wholeness is based on interrelationships of variables, which determine the amount of resistance an individual has to any stressor. Illness indicates disharmony among the parts and subparts of the client system. Wholistic a system is considered wholistic when any parts or subparts can be organized into an interrelating whole. Wholistic organization is one of keeping parts whole or stable in their intimate relationships; individuals are viewed as wholes whose component parts are in dynamic interdependent interaction. Research Design The researcher in this study utilized the case study method. The case study design involves an intensive exploration of a single unit of study, such as a person, very small number of subjects, family, group, community, or institution ( Burns Grove, 2003). Research locale The study was conducted in Cebu City Medical Center located at N. Bacalso Avenue,Cebu City. Cebu City Medical Center (CCMC) is a 300 bed capacity government hospital that caters all residents of Cebu City. The client was admitted at the stroke ward, third floor which accommodates clients with physical complaints, classified under Internal Medicine (IM) as cardiovascular problems. It is a 10 bed capacity ward which caters patients admitted with cardiovascular problems. Research Instrument The researcher utilized Gordons functional health pattern as a research instrument which is categorized in 11 domains namely health perception management pattern which explains of what the client perceives in her condition, nutritional-metabolic pattern explains for the diet of the client and regarding food groups and the number of servings per day, elimination pattern pertains to urinary and bowel patterns, exercise- activity pattern points out to the activities of daily living of the client which also includes exercise, sleep-rest pattern defines the number of hours the client sleeps or on what time of the day the client takes his rest/ either its continuous or disturbed, cognitive perceptual pattern refers to the level of cognitive maturation of the client, self-perception pattern means on how the client perceives or sees herself, role-relationship pattern explains the role of the client in her family and society, sexuality-sexual functioning this domain explains if the client is sexually active or not and the number and age gap of the children the client has, coping-stress management pattern means on how the client would react to stress and what would the client do to resolve it , and values-belief system identifies the belief or religion of the client and their religious practices. Data gathering procedure A transmittal letter was sent to the chief nurse of cebu city medical center. The researcher chose a client which had an acute condition to be interviewed, prior to the interview the researcher explained to the client the purpose and the goals of the interview, wherein the client agreed with her full consent and understanding. The researcher conducted a chart review of the client followed by doing a physical assessment and did an interview utilizing Gordon’s Health pattern tool. Chapter 2 Results and Discussion This chapter presents an appraisal utilizing the Neuman Systems Model in assessing and dealing with clients with hypokalemia. Situational Appraisal The client is a 38-year old female, which currently resides at baranggay ylaya talamban Cebu City. She was born on march 10, 1975, she is a Roman Catholic by faith and is the youngest amongst two daughters of the second family her father had, and is now an orphan and a widow. She perceives her current condition as a payment for her sins, the client’s sister said that the client had times where she had epilepsy and sometimes with seizures but it disappeared later in time .She is currently unemployed and only works as an extra even though she had an unstable source of income she still managed to eat 3 times daily but with limitation of food intake vegetable is the main food source that they can afford and is only in a single food group drinks water depending on her needs or if she is thirsty. Elimination pattern is on a daily basis or depending upon the urge. Her daily activity includes waking up, sleeping, and goes to work which is considered as sedentary. Sleep and rest patterns are altered she sleeps 6-9 hours daily but is interrupted she wakes up at night and has difficulties in falling back to sleep. The client was a third year high school level but it was not a hindrance to her to find a job. The client views herself as helpless and hopeless at some times due to her illness. She was the youngest daughter she sought all the attention of her parents but she did not rely on them she worked hard to be employed and she found a job as a factory worker her elder sister was had a child and which she also loved as her own, and later was married. She was married but never had a child but she acted as a mother to her sister’s son, in her current state she has no partner in life and is not sexually active for her living a single life free of obligations is fine, following by the loss of both her parents she was on depressed and drowned herself in her work just to get over following her loss, it was also aggravated when her husband died in an accident which she had the hard time to accept and was depressed which made her let go of her job, the most depressed moment of her life where she resorted to the use of prohibited drugs happened when her nephew died it was the most painful loss for her because she treated her nephew as her own son. The only family member that is left with her is her elder sister all of her siblings on her father’s first family is not close to them. The client believed that her present condition is a punishment to her since she forgot her obligations in the church and thought being a creditor is a sin and she is paying for it. Theory-Based Assessment Physiological loss of system stability demonstrated in muscle weakness as seen in difficulty in breathing and inability to ambulate Psychological loss of system stability demonstrated in feelings of uselessness and helplessness Sociocultural loss of system stability seen in lack of financial support upon hospitalization and relative support Developmental loss of system stability seen in unemployment, dependence, and a decrease in competency in current age bracket. Spiritual loss of system stability in feelings of uselessness Psychopathophysiology The first is deficient intake. Poor potassium intake alone is an uncommon cause of hypokalemia but occasionally can be seen in very elderly individuals unable to cook for themselves or unable to chew or swallow well. Over time, such individuals can accumulate a significant potassium deficit. Another clinical situation where hypokalemia may occur due to poor intake is in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN), where potassium supplementation may be inadequate for a prolonged period of time. The second is increased excretion. Increased excretion of potassium, especially coupled with poor intake, is the most common cause of hypokalemia. The most common mechanisms leading to increased renal potassium losses include enhanced sodium delivery to the collecting duct, as with diuretics; mineralocorticoid excess, as with primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism; or increased urine flow, as with an osmotic diuresis. Gastrointestinal losses, most commonly from diarrhea, also are common causes of hypokalemia. Vomiting is a common cause of hypokalemia, but the pathogenesis of the hypokalemia is complex. Gastric fluid itself contains little potassium, approximately 10 mEq/L. However, vomiting produces volume depletion and metabolic alkalosis. These 2 processes are accompanied by increased renal potassium excretion. Volume depletion leads to secondary hyperaldosteronism, which, in turn, leads to enhanced cortical collecting tubule secretion of potassium in response to enhanced sodium reabsorption. Metabolic alkalosis also increases collecting tubule potassium secretion due to the decreased availability of hydrogen ions for secretion in response to sodium reabsorption. The third is due to a shift from extracellular to intracellular space. This pathogenetic mechanism also often accompanies increased excretion, leading to a potentiation of the hypokalemic effect of excessive loss. Intracellular shifts of potassium often are episodic and frequently are self-limited, for example, with acute insulin therapy for hyperglycemia. Regardless of the cause, hypokalemia produces similar signs and symptoms. Because potassium is overwhelmingly an intracellular cation and because a variety of factors can regulate the actual serum potassium concentration, an individual can incur very substantial potassium losses without exhibiting frank hypokalemia. Conversely, hypokalemia does not always reflect a true deficit in total body potassium stores. Variance from wellness| Nursing intervention| Reconstitution| Weak extremitiesSubjective cues: â€Å"dili nako malihok ako mga tiil† as verbalized by the client.Objective cues: * Client lying on bed * Foot plantar flexed. * Weak muscle strength and low muscle tone on extremities.Difficulty in breathingSubjective cues: â€Å" usahay mag lisod ko ug ginhawa† as verbalized by the clientObjective cues: * Enlarged chest cavity. * Use of accessory muscles in breathing * Fast deep breaths * Presence of nasal prongs at the bedside.Risks for muscle atrophy and foot droppingSubjective cues: mura ug ning gamay akong mga bati-is† as verbalized by the client.Objective cues: * Client is lying on bed * Foot plantar flexed * Immobility of the lower extremities * No presence of foot board * No ROM exercises done.| * Promote ROM exercises to prevent muscle atrophy on the affected limb * Provide foot board to support the foot and avoid plantarflexion which causes foot drop. * Encourage the client to eat a balanced diet paired with bananas for potassium replacement * Administer medications as prescribed * Monitor the client for any complications * Position the client on semi-fowlers position. * Instruct client to do abdominal breathing or pursed lip breathing. * Monitor for signs of hypoxia * Administer oxygen prn as prescribed. * Promote ROM exercises. * Provide foot board. * Encourage the S.O. to do sponge bathing to promote circulation. * Encourage the client to move the and exercise the toes of the feet.| Goal: demonstrated techniques and lifestyle changes to meet physiologic needs.Reconstitution: lines of resistance building.Goal: promoted techniques and exercises to meet physiologic needsReconstitution: lines of resistance buildingGoal: promoted techniques and exercises to prevent the occurrence of physiologic problemsReconstitution: lines of resistance building and strengthening the flexible lines of defense. Response of the client on the Interventions Provided The client was able to see through herself on identifying and prioritizing the problems through based on her judgment and of the researcher’s appraisal of her identified stressor the client was able to recuperate in the treatment, the client was able to come up with solutions on the problems that were most attainable and most important to her which is attaining the optimum level of functioning. The client was able to gain a boosted self-esteem and a positive outlook in life, reconstitution of her lines of defense and strengthening each lines is in progress, through positive feedback the client was able to see through it all that the physiological body is not just the only factor in healing but it should comprise the mind, the spirit, the society, and development to achieve a wholistic and faster recovery from illness. Conclusion and Recommendations Conclusions The Neuman Systems Model was effective, efficient in providing a wholistic nursing care to the client with hypokalemia. The assessment made was thorough and was based on the what the client and the care provider perceives thereby giving a collaborative and specific hint as to what the problem is wherein effective solutions can be brought up. Though the system is quite complicated and challenging at some times, it just needs practice in implementing the model to be able to familiarize it. The research concluded that the Neuman Systems Model is an effective tool which can enhance the nurses critical and analytical thinking by the data gathered based on the client’s initial response and the nurses judgment thereby minimizing the occurrence of an error in identifying problems and providing nursing care. Recommendations Based on the findings, observations and the conclusion utilizing the Neuman Systems Model is effective and wholistic enough in the approach of a client with hypokalemia. The following are the researchers suggestions and recommendations 1 nurse practitioners should do a thorough assessment on their clients not only by identifying the main problems but also by assessing the person as a whole it could be done through the use of the Neuman Systems assessment and evaluation tool. 2 Interventions differ from client to client others may vary but there is no such thing as a uniformed intervention thereby it is necessary for the nurse to assess for the needs of the client. Bibliography Burns and Grove (2003) Understanding Nursing research 3rd edition W. B. Saunders, Elsevier Company Fawcett, Jacqueline (1995) Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing 3rd ed. F.A. Davis Company Frisch N., Frisch L. (2006) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3rd ed. Thomson Delmar Learning Company Karch, Amy (2008) Lippincotts Nursing Drug Guide: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams Wilkins Company Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredible Easy (2004). Lippincott Williams Wilkins Company Springhouse Neuman, Betty and Fawcett, Jacqueline 2002 The Neuman Systems Model 4th edition Prentice Hall Company

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Effect Of Content Based Instruction

The Effect Of Content Based Instruction Content-Based Instruction (CBI) as an approach has been defined as an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus (Richard and Rodgers, 2001, p. 204). In this case, learners learn about some skills instead of learning about language. This teaching approach combines language and content, so it is considered as an effective teaching method by many researchers. CBI can be used in various ways for different skills and includes not only traditional teaching methods such as grammar-based instruction but also functional method such as Communicative Language Teaching. CBI is also supported by Krashens Monitor Model. According to this model, when learners receive comprehensible input, it is less difficult to learn the target language. And as a result, they can acquire it. And CBI has some features, including learning a language through academic skills and engaging in activities, that lead to meaningful and comprehensible input. II. Background Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) indicates a major change in language teaching in twentieth century. The origins of CLT can be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition. Until then, Situational Language Teaching was the major British approach to the teaching English as a foreign language. CLT centers on giving students opportunities to practice using communicative function. In these activities, students use English to learn it rather than learning to use English. Among the practices of communicative-based methods, CBI is one of the approaches that its popularity and applicability have been increased since the 1990s. Saint Augustine made some recommendations regarding focus on meaningful content in language teaching. This can be the reason that some researchers, including Brinton, Snow and Wesche, suggest that Saint Augustine was an early proponent of Content-Based Language Teaching. In the 1970s, other educational plans had been designed. They all emphasize the principle of acquiring content through language rather than the study of language. Although there are slight differences in their aims, all the models agree with the role of language as a means of learning content. CBI took some of its theory and design from these plans. I will briefly take into account the role of content in these plans. Language across the Curriculum is a suggestion for native language education. It was recommended by a British governmental commission in the 1970s. It emphasizes a focus on reading and writing in different subjects. It also had an effect on American education, and the slogan every teacher, an English teacher became well-known to every instructor. However, this suggestion didnt have an influential effect on classrooms. Immersion Education had an effect on the theory of CBI as well. In this plan, the ordinary school syllabus is taught through the foreign language. The foreign language is not the subject of instruction. In fact, its a means for achieving content instruction. For example, a Spanish speaking child may enter an elementary school where the language of instruction for the entire content subject is French. Since the 1970s, immersion programs have been used in many parts of North America, and new forms of immersion have been planned. In the United States, immersion program can be considered in a number of languages, including French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Immigrant On-Arrival Program usually gives attention on the language of those immigrants who are recently arrived. Immigrants need to know the language of the country they live in. Australia was the first country that designed such a course. For a particular situation, notional, functional and grammatical instructions are integrated. And its usual course covers those parts of language that are needed to deal with government organization, shopping, finding a job, and so on. Australia uses Direct Method as the methodology of recently arrived immigrants. Programs for Students with Limited English Proficiency are used for two groups of children. First, these programs are used for those children whose language competence is not adequately developed in order to participate in normal classrooms. Second, they are used for those children who have immigrated to another country, and their parents participate in immigrant on-arrival program. These programs try to make children ready in order to be able to enter the normal classrooms. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) is an attempt in order to perform particular roles (e.g. student, nurse, teacher, businessman, engineer, and technician) according to the needs of learners. LSP has paid special attention on English for Science and Technology (EST). In EST courses, learners learn to read technical articles or to write academic papers in different fields of science. III. Definition, Theories Ideas CBI involves the integration of content learning with language teaching. It refers to the concurrent study of language and subject matter. In other words, students are learning content (e.g. math, science, social studies, business, etc) at the same time they are developing their target language skills. There is also a variety of definitions of content. Some researchers believe that content is clearly an academic subject matter while others believe that it can be any topic, theme or issue of interest. It is indicated that language learning is more motivating when learners focus on something other than language. It can also be stated as people learn a second language most successfully when the information they are acquiring is perceived as interesting, useful, and leading to a desired goal (Richard Rodgers, 2001, p. 204). Usually, language is used for some purposes. And the purpose may refer to peoples jobs and education. So, its obvious that when peoples purposes are achieved through language learning, it will make gaining language knowledge a lot easier. Also, CBI classrooms can produce an increase in intrinsic motivation, since students are focus on subject matter that is important to their lives. And, students are beyond temporary extrinsic factors, like grades and tests. It can also be declared as when language becomes the medium to convey informational content of interest and relevance to the learner, then learners are pointed toward matters of intrinsic concern (Brown, 2001, p. 49). CBI shares the same basic principles with CLT and can be regarded as a logical development of some of the principles of CLT, particularly those rules that relate to the role of meaning in language learning. Because CBI provides an approach that is especially suited prepare ESL students to enter elementary or secondary education, it is widely used in English-speaking countries around the world. A difference between CBI and other kinds of language syllabus is how the elements for language study are selected. For example, in a grammatical syllabus, the items that are supposed to be learned are grammar points. They are selected in advance either by second language researcher or by teachers judgments about what grammar points should be presented first, second, third, and so on. The syllabus can even be determined by the course textbook. However, in CBI classrooms, the form and sequence of language syllabus are determined by content material. Instead of having a pre-selected grammar syllabus or list of vocabulary items, the grammar and vocabulary that are supposed to be learned come from the content material. So, it can be stated that since CBI refers to an approach rather than a method, no particular techniques or activities are related with it. IV. Assessment in CBI Classes Assessment in CBI classes can be problematic, but it is essential that teachers should evaluate learners learning. Usually in EFL classes, a learners performance is evaluated by assessment tasks such as discrete, de-contextualized tasks. And their central focus is on linguistic structure or vocabulary. However, students in CBI classes cannot be evaluated in the traditional way because they are exposed to more input and content through the class. Instead, CBI assessment must be simultaneously authentic and interactive. Students are required to interact with academic materials according to meaningful and contextualized text in order to analyze their knowledge. Also, assessment of CBI should not be simple and isolated. Students must integrate information in order to form their own opinions about subject matter. V. Models of CBI In the 1980s, four models are made according to the principles of CBI. These models can only be applied at the university levels. The examples of the most common models of CBI are theme-based language instruction, and sheltered content instruction. Theme-based language instruction refers to a kind of class that is based on a particular theme or topic such human rights or discrimination. Sheltered content instruction refers to a kind of class that learning of content material with only incidental language learning is considered as the goal. VI. Conclusion Today, Content-based courses are frequent in different countries since the 1980s, and this method is often used in ESP (English for Specific Purposes) classes where the content of input plays a significant role. It has been indicated that vocabulary is easier to acquire when there are contextual clues in order to make a connection between vocabulary and meaning. Moreover, when learners become aware of the relation between language learning and their favored goals, they become even more motivated to learn. Learners feel that learning is a kind of impressive thing because they know that they are studying authentic content material (not material that are made for all the foreign learners) in the target language. They know that it is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. It has also been proved to be a valid approach for language teaching at all stages of instruction, from elementary school to university levels, both in second or foreign language teaching settings. Generally CBI advocates claim that this approach leads to more successful results in comparison with other language teaching approaches. Because it provides a number of opportunities for teachers in order to match learners interests and needs with interesting, meaningful and contextualized content.